ihri at Rehacare in Düsseldorf

This week, we have been able to showcase some of our research at Rehacare in Düsseldorf. Our very own Max Pascher was on site, together with project partners from DFKI, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences and Munevo GmbH to present our adaptive control for Human-Robot Interaction, which has been developed in the course of the DoF-Adaptiv project, funded by the BMBF. The Rehacare gave us the possibility to get in touch with potential users of the robotic arm, a Kinova Jaco, which can be mounted on a wheelchair. Our adaptive control builds upon the Munevo Drive system, which works with Google Glasses and allows the user to control the robot arm with head gestures. The DFKI developed an algorithm which helps to make the control easier and reduce the need for mode switches. Our work focused on the feedback mechanism, so that the user can understand what the system.
Munevo shared some more impressions of the Rehacare at their Instagram feed.