ihri at Fall IDC 2023

From October 2-6, Max Pascher represented our research unit at this year's fall IDC, organized by the LMU Media Informatics Group. Formally known as the Internal Doctoral Consortium of the LMU Media Informatics Group and UniBW Usable Security and Privacy Group, this year extended as an International Doctoral Consortium by inviting friends of the German HCI community.
The 55 attendees either have given talks, workshops, or poster presentations and had input sessions from our keynote speakers. This year's IDC aimed to identify, define, and deploy services for storing complex domain-specific data objects from various sub-domains within Computer Science (CS), according to the NFDIxCS Consortium's goals. The objective is to implement universal FAIR principles, including reusable data objects encompassing data, metadata, software, context, and execution information in a standardized format.